Life Sciences

Maximize drug pipeline potential, enhance market access, and optimize clinical trials through AI-powered R&D.

Case Studies

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Can pharmacy inventory volume be predicted from purchasing patterns?

Invene established a model to predict pharmacy inventory volume based on segmented population data.
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AI-Driven Diagnostics & Decision Support
Machine Learning & Predictive Analytics
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Can the binding affinity for new drugs be algorithmically determined?

Invene invented an algorithm for analysis on polypeptide chains to determine small molecule binding affinity.
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Machine Learning & Predictive Analytics
Technical Feasibility & Proof of Concept
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Can trillions of atoms for specific protein sequences be searched?

Invene created a machine learning algorithm that identified motifs of interest for SAR target identification.
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Machine Learning & Predictive Analytics
Enterprise Data Warehouse
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How to communicate the contents of a vial in its constituent parts?

Invene built a tool that analyzed the contents of a tincture and displayed a chromatogram of the fluid's properties.
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Technical Feasibility & Proof of Concept
Machine Learning & Predictive Analytics