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Can you reduce clinician burnout and increase throughput?

HIPAA Compliant Applications
EMR Integration
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About the Client


OnPoint Healthcare is a physician practice management firm providing “best in class” solutions for healthcare systems and medical groups. OnPoint’s goal is to put the joy back into medicine.

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Providers are spending multiple hours a day creating clinical notes. This is a large factor in physician burnout as they are spending a significant portion of their day on documentation instead of seeing patients. OnPoint Healthcare partnered with Invene to develop a virtual clinical assistant that could provide high-quality clinical notes for doctors while doing so at an attractive price-point for health systems and medical groups.

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Doctors are burned-out, are incredibly demanding, and not tech-savvy. They are prone to anger if things do not go their way. The software had to be easy to use otherwise the providers would not use it. Most hospitals and clinics have terrible Wi-Fi, causing significant problems interacting with the cloud architecture of Azure. The software must follow HIPAA guidelines as it contains personal health information (PHI). While this project was going on, COVID hit, which in turn caused multiple pivots.


Revenue Generated


Daily Saved Provider Time




EMRs Integrated


Invene created IRIS, a virtual clinical assistant composed of a mobile and web app. The cross-platform mobile application, on both iOS and Android, was designed to fit inpatient and outpatient workflows. It allows a provider to seamlessly perform their patient visits even if their WiFi is down. AI/ML was implemented in the web app to improve the quality of the generated clinical notes. The web app has various modules to allow OnPoint Healthcare to efficiently scale their operations.


IRIS helped OnPoint Healthcare close their first ever hospital system in Arkansas. It is the mechanism that helps OnPoint Healthcare cross-sell their other solutions to hospital systems and medical systems. Invene’s product solved incredibly important problems, plus Invene was also able to introduce OnPoint Healthcare to new potential clients.

"Invene is not our vendor, they are our partner. We’ve been extremely pleased with them."

Jim Boswell

CEO of OnPoint Healthcare

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